Friday, June 13, 2008

Into the Wild

I saw the movie trailer about a couple months ago and wanted to watch the movie desperately. However, with the everyday routines, I forgot about the movie. Happened to find the movie on my netflix browsing list and ordered it right away.

I have always admired Sean Penn for his ability to direct movies which are mostly real life stories or something that is very close to real life. But this movie was something that just hit me so hard that it took me about a couple of days to come out of the feel.

Christopher Johnson McCandless(Alexander Supertramp), seemed to be an individual with a lot of very mature thoughts until it is revealed about why he behaves in a certain way. All the fights that his parents had, he trying to protect his sister, finding about his birth etc. I was still hoping that he would get back to normal life at a certain point,which he does, however fate has it that he die. Otherwise, the noose hunters who found him about a couple of weeks later after his death, could have found him a couple of weeks earlier and this man would have been another happy human for finding the real meaning of happiness (Happiness is in sharing) after enduring so much and the earth could have lost a little weight that the sadness of his life has generated.

From the moment he sets out of his home for the Alaskan adventure, everybody who meets him(the grain elevator episode, the hippie couple sequence, old man @ hot springs, CA, the one who drops him off at the foot trail) tries to stop him from taking the trip. Was it just that he does not realize? or, his finding about his birth and the way his parents treated their children had such impact on his resolve?

Why do parents sometimes become so shut off with the feelings that they provoke in their children? I do understand the pressures that they have to face in the everyday life, however in this case,it was their ego and the plain ignorance that children begin to have an opinion after a certain age and that will have a very strong influence on how their life would shape up. Although the parents realize after Supertramp goes away, it does not matter as they have made an irreversible influence on the opinions of their children.

Felt a li'l bad that he could not meet his sister after he left home, who was the only person who had affection for him.

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